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Let’s get moving – simple fitness tips!


May 4th, 2022

What a week it has been! The weather has been crazy, complete with damaging storms and rollercoaster temperatures. Welcome to springtime in the Midwest. I am so thankful for the much-needed rain we have received and the warmer weather that is coming in a week, fingers crossed. My work schedule has been crazy and slightly overwhelming. I have been reminded of the importance to stop and breathe deeply and focus on the things that you can change. The month of May, we are going to focus on movement, which is something that we can control.

Movement is a key component to a healthy lifestyle! That is not to say that we all need to go run a marathon tomorrow or next month, because running is not everyone’s jam. I applaud you if you enjoy running and I will cheer you on as you run in a 5k fundraiser, the daily 2-mile run and everything in between. Running is not the only option when it comes to movement, though.

Here is a list of 8 simple ways to get moving today:

  1. Take the dog for a walk. If you don’t have a dog, volunteer at a local shelter, or start a dog walking business in your neighborhood.

  2. Find a 10-minute workout on the internet, YouTube, or Pinterest, that is low-impact and can be done at home.

  3. Skip the elevator and take the stairs.

  4. Sneak in extra steps where you can, by walking instead of taking the car or not choosing a close parking spot.

  5. Get friends together at a park and go for a walk taking in the beauty of nature.

  6. Yardwork! Mow the lawn using a push mower, plant a garden, redo landscaping or plant flowers.

  7. Housework. Dusting, vacuuming, and changing bedsheets all require movement and are sneaky ways to get in exercise.

  8. Dance it out! In your living room, in your kitchen, at a concert, with friends, no matter where you dance, remember to have fun and dance like nobody’s watching.

Watch for upcoming changes and additions to my blog, as I will be rolling those out next month. Let me know what subjects you want to discuss in the future. My email is, I can’t wait to hear from y’all! Whether this is your first time reading my blog, or you are a loyal subscriber, Thank you! I am so glad you tuned in this week! Do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from this blog? Tell them to subscribe!

Have a blessed week ~ Lacey

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