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Should I volunteer?

August 2nd, 2022

After some much needed rain, here we are with a heat advisory to begin the week. Summer in the Midwest has as many ups and downs as the Flint Hills running through the middle of Kansas. Ups and downs are a part of life for everyone, I make an effort to focus on the ups especially amid the downs. I was reminded yesterday that having a daily gratitude journal helps to keep a positive mindset and it is most needed during stressful times. I am most thankful for individuals in my life who constantly remind me of how much I have to be thankful for in my life.

This month we will be discovering why volunteering is important and how it can change lives. First let’s discuss how volunteering effects those who give their time, money, and energy to deserving causes and charities. I can tell you from experience to choose an organization that you are passionate about, particularly if you are new to volunteering, as this will help to keep your attention. From a selfish perspective, the following is my personal top 3 benefits of volunteering. You heard me correctly, here is how you benefit from being a volunteer!

  1. Volunteering gives you a sense of purpose. Working with out pay for a cause you are passionate about gives you a case of the warm fuzzies and maybe even a feeling of pride. You could volunteer at a homeless shelter, pet shelter, fundraising 5k, or countless other organizations that are in need of people to lend a helping hand.

  2. Volunteering provides lasting friendships. Think about it for a minute, several people gathered working towards the same goal of helping an organization. This means you have common interests and are in the same place at the same time. Talk to others and see what else you have in common!

  3. You can live a healthier, longer life by volunteering. You had to know this was coming, because would it really be a part of my blog if it didn’t influence your overall health and wellness? According to, volunteering is more beneficial for your health than exercising and eating well (but these are still important areas to your wellness).

This week’s Young Living product is the One Heart essential oil blend. This was created to bring awareness to the Young Living Foundation. It is an inspiring blend that includes 2 of my favorite YL oils: Valor and Northern Lights Black Spruce! If you are interested in experiencing this blend or any of Young Living’s essential oils, contact me to schedule a time to meet.

Whether this is your first time reading my blog, or you are a loyal subscriber, Thank you! I am so glad you tuned in this week! Do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from this blog? Tell them to subscribe!

Have a blessed week y’all ~ Lacey

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